A Few Tips on Nutrition
Get Your Vitamins! Vitamin C is extremely important in dentistry (and nutrition in general) because of how it helps control periodontal disease and other problems in the mouth. For one [...]
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Get Your Vitamins! Vitamin C is extremely important in dentistry (and nutrition in general) because of how it helps control periodontal disease and other problems in the mouth. For one [...]
The diet of today is the result of a 50-year increase in consumption of the rapidly absorbed sugars—specifically, soft drinks, commercial juices, candy, and easily digested sugar foods such as [...]
How important is calcium to us? It's very important. Here's why. It builds strong bones and teeth; helps the heart to beat, muscles to flex, blood to clot, and nerves [...]
Here's our Cast List: Vitamin A; the "B's" (B1, B2, B3, B6, B12); Vitamins C, D, E, K, and P. Some, like Vitamin C, are old friends; others, like Vitamin [...]
Lurks in Every Pantry Your sugar bowl sits on the table, and you lift its lid only to sweeten your morning coffee. You deserve a medal for exemplary nutritional behavior! [...]