The Benefits of Fluoride
Make Sure There's Fluoride in Your Water As a direct result of fluoridation, dental health in our part of the world has seen many benefits. The improvement is most evident [...]
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Make Sure There's Fluoride in Your Water As a direct result of fluoridation, dental health in our part of the world has seen many benefits. The improvement is most evident [...]
Are You Subconsciously Grinding? Sensitivity to heat and cold. Loosened teeth, fractures, and debilitating headaches. All this can occur while you sleep—from grinding your teeth. Dentistry calls it bruxism. Talk [...]
Custom Dental Care for Your Needs No two of us are alike. We all have our own smiles, speech patterns, eye, and hair colorings. But we're just now beginning to [...]
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. You've heard that a million times—because it's so true! Our office really wants you to avoid painful, costly dental procedures. [...]
And the Stress Factor Dentists and researchers aren't completely agreed about the cause of nightly tooth-grinding or bruxism. But they are aligned on two points: at least partly, it's related [...]
Without Speaking A Word! Looking into your open mouth, we see so much more than teeth. In many ways, it's a window into the health of your entire body. Things [...]
X-Rays are critical to the practice of dentistry. And the benefits are profound. But dentists are sometimes guilty of dismissing patient concerns, as in, "Don't worry, you'll be fine." We [...]
Sifting Fact From Belief Dental researchers call it The Fluoride Story—the most dramatic turnaround of a population's dental health in history. So far. The Fluoride Story began as one of [...]
No, we're not talking about being attacked by a junkyard dog. That's perilous enough. The bite in question here is your own bite—the way your lower teeth and your upper [...]
It's such a common habit, yet most of the time we never know we're doing it. Not cracking your knuckles or biting fingernails, but intense clenching and grinding of your [...]