Been Awhile Since Your Checkup?
Alert Us to Changes Any changes in your health should be discussed with your dentist. Whether you're a new patient visiting us for the first time, or a returning patient [...]
We’ve moved! 499 E Chestnut St #C, Fort Bragg, CA 95437 (Corner of E Chestnut St & S Whipple St) Get directions »
Alert Us to Changes Any changes in your health should be discussed with your dentist. Whether you're a new patient visiting us for the first time, or a returning patient [...]
Critical for Diagnosis & Treatment Planning X-Rays help pinpoint problems and avoid further complications. People are often concerned that they're receiving too much radiation from X-Rays, so it's important to [...]
The Answer is... Maybe! Mouthwash, or mouth rinses, are primarily used to remove food debris after brushing and flossing. They provide a pleasant taste, freshen the breath, and (depending on [...]
Toothpicks Can Cause Dental Injury and More Toothpicks are quick and convenient when food debris is stuck between teeth, however they're also a common cause of dental injury. Because they [...]
If it's been a while since you replaced your toothbrush, it may be time to look for signs of aging. If it is badly worn or frayed, it may be [...]
How Product Packaging Improved Oral Health You might think tubes would make an obvious package for toothpaste, but the first toothpaste in a tube wasn't sold till 1892. These kind [...]
Tell Us About Any Changes Dental care is just one part of total health care. Because of that, we need to keep current with your entire health history, the good [...]
Soda, Coke, Soft Drinks, Energy Drinks—whatever you call them, they're bad for teeth. You probably know that soft drinks aren't good for you. They are high in sugar and provide [...]
Everyday Habits can Impact Oral Health Most of us have a bad habit or two that we'd like to change. Here are some common habits that are especially hard on [...]
About Each Patient! Dentistry may be the word that describes the service we provide. But our greater goal is something we call care. It's reflected in the way we evaluate [...]