Frank Talk About Bad Breath
Social embarrassments come in many sizes. But chronic bad breath is near the top of the list. It affects those nearest and dearest to us and may limit the close [...]
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Social embarrassments come in many sizes. But chronic bad breath is near the top of the list. It affects those nearest and dearest to us and may limit the close [...]
Sifting Fact From Belief Dental researchers call it The Fluoride Story—the most dramatic turnaround of a population's dental health in history. So far. The Fluoride Story began as one of [...]
No, we're not talking about being attacked by a junkyard dog. That's perilous enough. The bite in question here is your own bite—the way your lower teeth and your upper [...]
Women of all ages are prone to changing levels of progesterone in the body. And progesterone—especially when you are pregnant or taking oral contraceptives—causes some bacteria to grow in awesome [...]
Are stained, chipped, or crooked teeth cramping your smile? Years Ago, the only solution for unattractive teeth was disguising them with crowns. Today, we've got better options in porcelain veneers, [...]
Keep Us Informed of Any Changes! If it's been a little while since your last appointment, then don't forget to update your health history. Your dental care is part of [...]
Know the Guidelines If in the past your doctor has prescribed antibiotics before you had dental work, don't assume that your future holds more such meds. The guidelines may have [...]
The diet of today is the result of a 50-year increase in consumption of the rapidly absorbed sugars—specifically, soft drinks, commercial juices, candy, and easily digested sugar foods such as [...]
It's such a common habit, yet most of the time we never know we're doing it. Not cracking your knuckles or biting fingernails, but intense clenching and grinding of your [...]
Cheat The Tooth Fairy We sure can try, but your help is needed, and the most important word is TIME. When a permanent tooth is knocked out, the less time [...]