Checkups For Your Smile!
Dental Checkups in Fort Bragg, California Checkups are an important part of your oral health. Barring injury, your sturdy white teeth should remain healthy and intact for the rest of [...]
We’ve moved! 499 E Chestnut St #C, Fort Bragg, CA 95437 (Corner of E Chestnut St & S Whipple St) Get directions »
Dental Checkups in Fort Bragg, California Checkups are an important part of your oral health. Barring injury, your sturdy white teeth should remain healthy and intact for the rest of [...]
Smile Makeovers in Fort Bragg, California If you could change just one thing about your smile, what would it be? Would you choose to lighten the color of your teeth? [...]
It would be comforting to think that gum disease only affected adults, but adolescents and even pre-adolescents are at risk as well. In fact, the condition is so common among [...]
Your Review & Feedback Are Appreciated We are pleased to have you at our practice and hope to continue serving you well! As we strive to deliver exceptional service in [...]
Make Sure There's Fluoride in Your Water As a direct result of fluoridation, dental health in our part of the world has seen many benefits. The improvement is most evident [...]
There's a new trend in dentistry these days: more people are scheduling appointments because they want to, not because they have to. Additionally, developments that were previously unimaginable are now [...]
Oral Health Works Hand in Hand with Your Body Dental care is just one part of total health care. Because of that, we need to keep current with your entire [...]
How the "Foods of Commerce" Have Shaped Us From where we sit, getting dinner on the table is a piece of cake compared to what faced early man. We "hunt" [...]
What's Wrong with Sucking Your Thumb? Most parents of preschoolers are engaged in the "battle of the thumb." The thumb usually wins hands down. Continuous pressure on teeth from sucking [...]
When Bad Breath is Something to Worry About Morning breath...dragon mouth...onion breath...there are about as many descriptions of halitosis as there are reasons for it occurring. Chronic bad breath is [...]