Teeth Whitening Facts
Is your wedding approaching and you want your smile to be its brightest? Or maybe you have an important speaking engagement? Whatever the reason, tooth whitening isn't just for the movie stars, [...]
We’ve moved! 499 E Chestnut St #C, Fort Bragg, CA 95437 (Corner of E Chestnut St & S Whipple St) Get directions »
Is your wedding approaching and you want your smile to be its brightest? Or maybe you have an important speaking engagement? Whatever the reason, tooth whitening isn't just for the movie stars, [...]
Why Sealants are Simply Good Parenting Of course we want the best for our children, and most of us work at good parenting every day: quality schools, solid values, a [...]
What are porcelain veneers? Porcelain veneers are ultra-thin shells of ceramic material bonded to the front of teeth. They require little or no anesthesia, and can be the ideal choice [...]
For the right patient missing the right tooth, the Tooth Fairy has bailed us out again. A lot of people are missing a single tooth. Until recently, the only options [...]
Answers to some frequently-asked questions: Q: Why do we have two sets of teeth? A: A child needs teeth long before his or her jaw is big enough to accommodate [...]
When a tooth is lost, nothing is ever the same. The entire balance of a healthy mouth is lost: the bite goes off, opposing teeth overgrow in unpredictable directions, facial [...]
What is the Temporomandibular Joint? The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a joint that slides and rotates just in front of your ear, consisting of the side and base of the [...]
Above average? Me? You may be five-foot-four, a C student, never starred at sports. And yet you may be ABOVE average—in your need for dental check-ups. While two visits a year [...]
Do women need to be more careful with their oral health? Women's oral health depends on their different stages of life. For many women, these changes are directly related to [...]
How common and how serious is oral cancer? Oral cancer, the sixth most common cancer, accounts for about 3.6 percent of all cancers diagnosed, with roughly 40,000 new cases reported [...]