OUCH! Pizza Burns
Do you enjoy eating fresh, hot pizza? If so, you may have experienced a common mouth injury—"pizza burn." Dentists use this term for a minor burn of the gums and [...]
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Do you enjoy eating fresh, hot pizza? If so, you may have experienced a common mouth injury—"pizza burn." Dentists use this term for a minor burn of the gums and [...]
You may wonder what a tooth cleaning has to do with a stroke—that sudden, devastating paralysis in which blood supply to the brain is blocked. Simply put, it's the result [...]
Some are caused by a virus, some hurt, and all are unpleasant socially. What exactly is that nasty thing on my mouth? And how do I get rid of it [...]
Are you one of the millions of Americans who spends most of their working and free time indoors? If so, you may be missing out on the important benefits of [...]
An Old Habit Seems New Here's an idea that may be new to you. Did you ever think of brushing your tongue? Actually, tongue-brushing is an ancient practice. Our ancestors [...]
Visitors to our practice have probably noticed the efforts we put into making the office open and comfortable. Well, it's not just cosmetic. We're doing something about protecting your health. [...]
It afflicts as many as nine in 10 adults at some point in their lives, as well as teenagers and children as young as five or six years of age. [...]
Did you know the toothbrush was invented by the Chinese in the 15th century? These first toothbrushes were made of hog bristles. Today, most toothbrushes are made from nylon monofilaments [...]
Live your dream of a good night's sleep Good sleepers have a routine that doesn't change, even on weekends: lights out at the same time, alarm buzzing at the same [...]
Against Acidity If you eat a lot of citrus fruits, drink carbonated soft drinks, suffer the eating disorder of bulimia, or experience the decline of saliva that often accompanies advancing [...]